We inspire the continuing improvement of educational practices and strategic management tools to improve the definition of and intervention in prioritized dimensions and a better allocation of resources.



At the Schools’ strategic level, we built a template for educational projects, a strategic mandatory document, which previous analyses often showed to be mere formal documents with poorly defined aims and strategies. We are currently working on the improvement of that template to promote the articulation with all other mandatory documents, aiming at a better allocation of resources to improve educational practice in schools and their relationships with local communities


Aiming for the strategic development of local communities, we use a diagnosis template which includes five dimensions – territory and population, socioeconomic characterization, municipal dynamics for education, schools’ performance, and schools’ characterization – to support the informed definition of local strategies for education.


Until the end of 2016, researchers concluded a series of contributions of diagnosis and proposals for possible strategic actions, supporting the elaboration of strategic documents for the development of local education of the eight ESCXEL Network partner municipalities.

We published several articles and scientific communications about ESCXEL’s methodologies of analysis and od strategic documents’ development, which are available in the page about scientific studies.

The brochure Projetos Educativos: Para um Modelo da sua Elaboração, also available in the page about scientific studies, was used by many of the school units within the ESCXEL Network to upgrade their educational projects, making these documents tools for the construction and dissemination of a stronger school identity, and for the implementation and self-assessment of school strategies involving all actors.